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Life Insurance

Celebrating 146 Years of Financial Security with AAFMAA


In 1876, the massacre at the Battle of Little Bighorn emphasized the desperate circumstances facing bereaved Army families. Soon after, a group of Army officers — who found commercial life insurance beyond their limited means — began talking seriously about founding a benefit society specifically for Army officers.

In 1879, the Army Mutual Aid Association was founded on four core principles that drive the experience of servicemember and their families: sacrifice, honor, loyalty, and compassion.

And on January 13, as the American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association, we will celebrate 146 years as the longest-standing non-profit association exclusively serving the US military community.

Celebrating 146 Years of Change…

A lot happens in 146 years.

In 1879, the family of a fallen AAFMAA member received less than $2000 as a death benefit. Today, families can be protected with up to $1 million in death benefits. Since 2001, families of fallen AAFMAA Members have received over $1 billion in benefits.

Also, while AAFMAA began as a resource exclusively for Army officers, Membership is now available to active duty, National Guard, Reserve, and retired servicemembers, Veterans and their families in all military branches: Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, and Space Force.

Even our name has changed. We started out as the Army Mutual Aid Association. In 1987, as we expanded coverage, we transformed into the Army and Air Force Mutual Aid Association. It was only in 2013 that we became the American Armed Forces Mutual Aid Association.

…and 146 Years of Commitment

But while much has changed in the span of AAFMAA’s history, one thing remains the same: our commitment to the US military community, and to the financial security of all Members and their families.

We stand with you in times of hardship and times of celebration, and in ways other commercial insurance companies don’t. Whether you’re newly enlisted or long retired, whether you’re a MilSpouse or a grandchild, you’re a part of our family.

So, as we celebrate our 146th birthday, we also wish to celebrate you. Not yet an AAFMAA Member? Contact one of our helpful representatives at 866-695-0614 to learn more about insurance costs and coverage that could help secure your financial future.