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Life Insurance

How and When to Update SGLI


During your military career, your life may undergo changes that require you to modify the life insurance coverage you have with the military. You will be able to handle these changes by understanding how and when to update your SGLI beneficiaries and coverage levels. We’ll guide you through the process to ensure your SGLI always meets your needs and responsibilities.

What Is SGLI?

Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (SGLI) is an affordable term life insurance program available to active-duty servicemembers and their dependents. During Active Duty, SGLI provides financial protection for your beneficiaries in the event of your death. 

It’s important to keep the SGLI information up to date so that your designated beneficiaries receive the intended benefits promptly.

Additional Coverages Available When You Have SGLI

Not only should you maintain your SGLI, but you must remember to update your other government-issued life insurance policies as well. These include Family SGLI (FSGLI) and Traumatic Injury Protection SGLI (TSGLI).

Family SGLI

FSGLI provides financial protection of servicemembers' families in case of death.

Traumatic SGLI

TSGLI is short-term financial support for the medical aid of servicemembers who suffer severe injuries.

The Importance of Updating SGLI

Incorrect information can cause issues for your loved ones trying to receive financial support after you pass away. That’s why it’s so important to review your insurance periodically and make sure that it still covers everything you need. Otherwise, your loved ones won't get these financial benefits when they need it most.

Life Changes

Any of the following life events will require you to review and update your SGLI coverage. 

Steps for Updating SGLI

Updating your SGLI is a straightforward process. To do so,  follow these steps:.

1. Access the SGLI Update System

First, access the online SGLI Update System through the official website. Sign in with your Common Access Card (CAC) or DS Login credentials. Once logged in, navigate to the appropriate section to begin making changes.

2. Review Your Current Information

Before making any updates, review your existing SGLI details through the Manage My SGLI portal. Verify the beneficiary information and coverage levels. It's essential to ensure that all information is up to date to avoid complications in the event of a claim.

3. Update Your Personal Information

To update personal details such as marital status or contact information, navigate to the appropriate section within the SGLI Update System. Fill out the required fields accurately, providing any necessary documentation if prompted. For example, if you’re updating your marital status, you may need to upload a marriage certificate.

4. Add or Change Your SGLI Beneficiaries

Select the beneficiary section and provide the necessary information for each beneficiary, including their full name, relationship to you, and percentage of the benefit they will receive. Ensure that these designations reflect your current wishes.

5. Confirm All Changes

After making your updates, carefully review all changes to ensure accuracy. Confirm that all personal information and beneficiary designations are correct before finalizing the update process.

Other Times to Update SGLI

Check your SGLI coverage regularly, even if you haven’t experienced a major life change. Generally speaking, review it at least once a year to ensure it still fits your needs.

Be aware that if you change it too often, it might draw suspicion and cause problems when you need to use it. So, while it’s important to keep it updated, you should only make changes when absolutely necessary.

Is SGLI Enough Coverage?

SGLI provides essential coverage for eligible servicemembers while on active duty, but it may not be sufficient to meet your family’s specific financial needs and, once you are no longer on active duty, it terminates. Additional insurance options are available to supplement SGLI and provide enhanced protection. These options include supplemental life insurance policies tailored to the unique situations of servicemembers and their families. 

Understand Your Insurance Options with AAFMAA

When SGLI coverage isn’t enough, even after updating your policy, AAFMAA offers many life insurance policies for servicemembers, Veterans, and military families. If you’re unsure about what you need, AAFMAA offers several insurance tools to help you find the right coverage. 

Learn more about AAFMAA’s other Member benefits today to find out how we can help you and your family feel financially secure during and after military service.

This article was originally published December 26, 2021.